I Ain't Got Time For This Notes

  • Earned it, confident, own it knowing they did something by working for it
  • Having a lot of money (1,000,000) doesn't satisfy you since you haven't worked for it
  • Have control over how we spend our 24 hours
There are times where we don't feel satisfied with the results but instead we feel frustrated, disappointments, angry.There are a lot of things we do with our time like :

  1. Selling Time (outer directed) - homework, school activities, meetings/clubs, and commute work
  2. Passing Time (non-directed) - Netflix and video games
  3. Giving Time (other directed) - socialize, phone, and cleaning
  4. Spending Time (inner directed) - practice and hobbies ~ we invest time on activities that will help us emotionally , physically, and spiritually
  5. Biology - sleep, eat, shower, and cleaning 
There are a lot of things we don't notice about how we spend our time, like right now I'm taking some time to do this blog and there are a few minutes of my life that I won't get back.
We need to realize that our time is valuable and the way we choose to spend it is really important because those minutes are something we can never take back.


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