Gatsby Notes and Thoughts - Chapter 7 (119-153)

1. Gatsby stops having parties because he is spending all of his time trying to get back Daisy's love. At first he was just throwing parties to attract Daisy but now that he had her, he found it unnecessary.
2. Gatsby fires his staff because he doesn't want there to be any gossip about what's going on but he later replaces them with some shade individuals that Wolfshiem knows.
3. When Gatsby meets Daisy's child, he is stunned and can barely believe it's real and meanwhile Daisy seems to not be interested in her daughter. Her daughter looks more like Tom than her.
4. When Daisy and Gatsby were together, they couldn't hide their feelings for each other and Tom caught on to that. Tom confronts Gatsby and asks him what his intentions with Daisy are and he just mentions that she's in love with him (Gatsby). Tom also accuses Gatsby of a lot of things and as Daisy begins to notice what's going on, she takes Tom's side when Gatsby says that she's never loved him. Clearly Tom won the confrontation with Gatsby.
5. On the way back to Long Island, Tom, Jordan, and Nick see that someone has been fatally hit by a vehicle and Nick thinks that Daisy and Gatsby had something to do with it. Later Nick goes to talk with Gatsby and he admits that Daisy was the one driving when Myrtle got hit but he has decided to take the blame.
6. At the end of the chapter, Tom and Daisy were eating and finding a solution to their problems. This proves that Daisy never truly loved Gatsby because if she did, she would've told Tom and she wouldn't let him take the blame for running over Myrtle.


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