The Great Gatsby Chapter 6 (pages 103 -118)

  •  A reporter who is in desperate need of some gossip shows up at Gatsby's house just to get rejected
  • James Gatz is his real name but he changed it once he turned 17 since he wished to be reborn as the person he now considers himself to be
  • Gatsby had lied about a lot of things. For instance, he wasn't really born in San Francisco but instead he was born in North Dakota
  • When Gatsby went on a yacht with some guy he met named Cody, he fell in love with luxury and wealth
  • One day, when Nick is passing by Gatsby's house he's shocked to see Tom having a drink and it's surprising to see him mention that he (Gatsby) knows Daisy
  • Tom and Daisy get invited to one of Gatsby's parties but Tom is already getting suspicious that there is something going on between the two, so he decides to keep an eye on her
  • After Tom and Daisy leave the party, Gatsby goes to Nick and mentions that he wishes things can go back to the way they were before he left Louisville 
  • Nick tells Gatsby that he can't change the past but he doesn't seem to understand that and he keeps repeating that he can accomplish anything with all the money he has


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