Meet My New Vocabulary

Abjurn a belief, cause, or claim).
      ----His refusal to abjure the Catholic faith
In loco parentis - in the place of a parent

     ---I stand towards her in loco parentis
Kudos - praise and honor received for an achievement
    --- Kudos to Emelie for making the soccer team         
Reply- respond to something someone said
     ---I'm going to reply to her tomorrow
Individualism - self reliant / independent
    --- Society believes strongly in individualism 
Insatiable - impossible to satisfy 
     --- An insatiable hunger for success
Hullabaloo - a commotion ; fuss
     ---Remember all the hullabaloo over the golf ball?
Affirm - state as a fact 
     ---I affirmed that the meeting was cancelled
Torrential - falling rapidly
    ---A torrential downpour
Inclined - turning away from the horizontal / vertical 
   --- An inclined ramp


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