Letter to Mentor

Dear mentor,
       Hello! My name is Angela Espinoza and I'm your average 16 year old who has yet to decide what she wants to do in life. I have some ideas in mind but I haven't quite decided yet. All I know is that I want to do something that has to do with soccer because turns out, I truly enjoy watching it and even though I'm not the best when it comes to actually playing, I really love soccer. I've reached out to you, hoping you would be able to help me think of some career options that include soccer, since you happen to be one of the greatest soccer players of all time. I come from a family who loves soccer but to be completely honest I wasn't much of a soccer fan when I was younger. I would always go to my dad's soccer games and I wouldn't understand anything. It wasn't until the beginning of high school when I actually started not only enjoying soccer but actually playing it as well. Since then, I've been watching soccer a whole lot more and I've been going to all of my brother's game/practices, he plays in a family team so I know everyone. Today, I have a better relationship with my brothers and dad and I'm truly grateful that I fell in love with this incredible sport. One thing that I would love for you to help me with is finding the perfect job that suits me, which simply means something that has to do with soccer. There are a few questions I want to ask. For instance, what are some of the best jobs out there for someone who wants to work with soccer players? I would also like to know if soccer careers cause people to distance themselves from their families. At the end of the day, I just know that I want to be a part of something that has to do with soccer because over the past years,my life has honestly changed for the greater good, thanks to this sport. I hope you can give me some advice about what to do and which path to take. Thank you for allowing me to write you and I can't wait to hear back from you.

                  Angela Espinoza


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