First Impression : On Self-Reliance

Nature is primal
Latin makes the story more ancient
original - distinct
admonition - a lecture or a warning
When someone says something more original, it captures our attention
Not everything that is said is set to be true for everyone
People who say things and don't care whether you like it or not
It's the belief that is genius not the actual thought
There are a few of us who hear opinions from someone else and claim them as ours

My first impression on this is that the beginning of it is what really captures my attention because there are a few of us who don't understand what "Ne te quaesiveris extra" which makes us think and want to keep reading. There are some parts in the story that I don't agree with. For instance I disagree with the fact that he thinks that just because someone believes something that others don't agree with, the best thing to do is for that person to keep their beliefs. The world we live in today is nothing like this, the artists that are mostly known aren't afraid to speak up and express their own thoughts. They don't care whether you agree or not with their way of thinking because they're not afraid to show their beliefs, which is something most of us are afraid of doing. From what I've read so far I can tell that this is going to be an essay/story about the importance of one staying true to themselves and what the benefits are if you choose to do so. On the contrary if you choose to not stay true to who you are then you will have to face many unfortunate situations and you will lose control of who you truly are.


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