I live my life like any other 16 year old girl would. My routine stays the same during week days and only changes on weekends. On Mondays through Fridays I wake up around 7 to get ready to go to school. I'm someone who prefers going to school instead of being home because it gets me out of doing chores, well most of the time. I have the same classes the entire week, which kind of gets boring because you see the same people again and again. The only classes I actually enjoy going to are Chemistry and Math, which happen to be the last classes I have. I enjoy talking to my friends as well as doing work. After school ends, I walk home and eat some food as soon as I get there, because I'm always hungry, since I don't eat at school (the food is disgusting and I'm a very picky person). Once I finish eating, I do a little bit of chores and then I start my homework, that way I have time to go out for a walk or to play in the evening. I don't take long to do my homework so that gives me a lot of free time to do whatever it is I want to do. I normally shower around 7 or in the mornings depending on how I'm feeling that day. In fact, if I have time I write in my journal, I just write down random thoughts or things I encountered that day. I always try to sleep before 10;30 but it can be challenging because there are certain nights where my mind wonders off and I start to think about stupid things. On Saturday's I usually wake up around 9 and I eat breakfast before I begin doing chores. While I'm doing chores, I like listening to music because it helps me move faster, which means I'm going to finish faster. I try to finish my chores as soon as possible so I have the evening free to go out with my friends or family. Sunday is the best day of the week for me since I go to watch my brother's soccer game. I never miss any of the games even if they're at 7 in the morning, I'm still there supporting my brother and cousins. My family always visits my grandma every Sunday as well as my uncles and aunts. We just go spend  time with my grandma and enjoy the time we're together. As soon as we get home, I make sure that I finish any homework I had and then I head over to bed to sleep. Anyways this is how I live my life everyday, well most of the time.


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