So this guy goes for a walk (First Impression of Young Goodman Brown)

My first impression on "Young Goodman Brown" is that the author describes everything that is going on really well. As Brown says goodbye to his wife, Faith, he thinks she's off to doing something nice because he seems to believe that she is full of good and has no bad in her. I can relate to how Young Goodman Brown felt about his wife being full of good because I myself believe that no matter who you are, there is some kind of good in you but there are just a few of us who are better at hiding the good in us. Everything takes a turn tho when he heads into the forest because he started hearing voices that sounded like Faith and when he saw her, he started thinking bad of her. He no longer believed that she full of good but instead hes started to believe that she was evil. Once again I can relate to this because there are some people that I've known for a long time and I think I know them really well, but turns out we actually don't. In fact, I think that the people we think we know the most, are actually the ones we least know but we just like to think we know them well since we've known them for a long. It's no good to think that everyone is full of evil just because one person proved to you that they weren't actually good but instead evil.


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