The First 50 Pages (The Sun is Also a Star)

The first 50 pages I've read from "The Sun is Also a Star" have been good so far and I'm already intrigued by what is going on. I kind of already know what the book is going to be like since I've watched the movie but there are already some things that are sort of different from what I remember from the movie. So far in the book, Natasha (one of the main characters) is trying to help slow down the deportation order her family has otherwise they have to leave to Jamaica that same night. Her family seems to not care about moving since they have all of their things packed up but she doesn't want to leave because she doesn't want to leave her friends and everything behind. She decides to go see her lawyer who at first tells her that they can't do anything and that her family will be getting deported tonight. Before she leaves she has deep conversation with Mr. Barnes (the lawyer) and he tells her that she can come back later to see if anything was done. On the other hand there's Daniel, whose family is Korean and his mom has high expectations for him now that her other son has been suspended from the best school in the U.S. (Harvard).  His relationship with his brother, Charles, hasn't been good since they were kids and they still argue and fight over little things. His mom really wants him to become a doctor and hopes he attends Harvard as well but he sees that as a difficult accomplishment since Charles was recently suspended from there. That's all I've read so far but I can tell that I am going to really enjoy this book because I really enjoyed the movie, but this might also help me understand that sometimes the book is better than the movie.


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